10 Ways to Say No in Chinese: Learn Mandarin

How to say no in Chinese

Conquer the Challenge of Saying No in Chinese: Learn Mandarin Effectively

What is no in Chinese? 

As somebody learning one of the world’s most spoken languages, it’s probably one of the first questions you’ll have.  

Naturally, most people learning a new language aim for some fluency level. But before starting on more complex structures, you’ll need to get to grips with the basics – words such as yes, no, please, thank you, hello, and goodbye. 

Just like our guide to how to say yes in Chinese, we’ve got you covered with a handy guide on how to say no in Mandarin. But before we dive into mastering the Chinese no, let’s get into Chinese culture about “No”.

The Art and Culture of Saying “No” in Chinese

When it comes to saying “no” in Chinese, it’s not as simple as just uttering the word “bù” (不). There’s a whole cultural context around rejecting or refusing something politely.

And as someone trying to learn Mandarin, getting your head around this is so important. It’s one of those language quirks that’ll elevate you from textbook Chinese to sounding like a true native speaker.

See, Chinese culture is all about modesty. If someone pays you a compliment or offers you a gift, just bluntly saying “no” is considered quite rude. Instead, they’d use “bù” in a softer way, like “Oh gosh, I really couldn’t” or “You’re too kind!” It’s a gracious way to politely turn down the offer.

Here are more examples of using “no” in Chinese when someone praises you, such as saying your Chinese is awesome, you are so smart, handsome, or pretty. Unlike directly saying “thank you” in Chinese, Chinese people typically respond with “bù, bù, bù (不不不)” while smiling and using a shy emoji, or they may say “nǎ lǐ, nǎ lǐ (哪里哪里)” with a humble gesture. When translated, “nǎ lǐ, nǎ lǐ (哪里, 哪里)” in this context means “where, where (who are you talking about?)” and is used to express humility.

But sometimes, “no” can become even more confusing. There are common Chinese phrases that begin with “bù” but actually mean the opposite of “no”! For example, consider “bú kè qì” (不客气) – if translated word for word, it means “don’t polite”, which appears negative. Yet, it actually signifies “you’re welcome; there’s no need to be so polite” when responding to someone’s gratitude.”

And then there’s “bú yào jǐn” (不要紧), which reassures people by saying, “no worries!” or “that’s alright!” But if you translated it literally, it would be “don’t want tight.” Crazy right?

So, if you really want to sound natural in the Chinese language, getting your head around the cultural context of “no” is crucial.

 It’s so much more than just bluntly refusing something. Use it wisely gracefully, and your Chinese skills will go from textbook to fluent in no time!

But don’t worry, this isn’t going to be as confusing as it may first seem. We’re here to break it all down.

How to Say No in Chinese: 11 Easy Ways

Wondering how to say no in Chinese Mandarin? There are a few ways to approach the literal translation. Let’s take a look at a variety of ways to say no in Mandarin Chinese and the best contexts in which to use them. 

#1 – 不 – Bù  – No

Discover the multifaceted pronunciation of 不 (Bù), the Mandarin translation for “no”. 

✅ Easy way to learn how to say ‘no’ in Chinese 不bù/bú & No’s Grammar

不bù (No) is an adverb, It is followed by a verb. Generally, 不 bu is pronounced in the falling tone (fourth tone) bù, But when the character after不 bu is also in the falling tone, It needs to change to the rising tone (second tone) bú. For example, 

我不是英国人,I am not Englishman.

wǒ bú shì yīng guó rén

我不姓Smith.  My surname is not smith.

wǒ bú xìng smith. 

我不叫Vicky,My given name is not Vicky.

wǒ bú jiào Vicky.

From tone shifts to cultural implications, using this term without sounding abrupt requires a delicate balance. 

Navigate “no” effectively by mastering its tone (fourth tone), usage, and underlying cultural nuances.

As a rule of thumb, if you only say no in the Chinese language without any other words, while it technically is a way of saying ‘no,’ it sounds quite abrupt to a native ear and may be considered rude, especially to somebody you don’t know very well. 

Essentially, this one should be reserved for friends and family. 

#2 – 不是 – Bú shì – To not be

This is probably the most common Chinese for ‘no,’ but this doesn’t mean it applies to all situations. Shì is ‘yes’ in Chinese, so negating the word with a prefix turns it into ‘no.’

This world literally translates to something like ‘not be,’ so it’s typically used when referring to something that is either true or false. For example, if somebody were to ask, ‘Are you from Seattle?’ and the answer is no, you could simply respond, ‘Bú shì.’ 

This is probably the best go-to phrase when you’re trying to say ‘no,’ and it can be used both with friends and strangers. 

#3 – 不用 – Bú yòng – No need

‘Bú yòng’ is a phrase you’ll need for the markets! It’s a polite way to say ‘no’ to somebody’s offer, and it essentially means you don’t need something or you have no use for it. If a street vendor is trying to sell you something and you’re not interested, this phrase is a polite refusal. 

#4 – 不对 – Bú duì – Incorrect

This phrase translates as ‘incorrect’ and has the actual meaning of ‘not correct’. You should use ‘bú duì’ when you want to disagree with an opinion or dispute the accuracy of a fact, but it’s not necessarily impolite. 

#5 -不要 – Bú yào – Don’t want

When refusing an offer or expressing a lack of desire for something, “bú yào” (don’t want) is the typical response. For example, when someone offers you a gift you cannot accept, you could say two times “bú yào, bú yào” with a smile as a polite refusal.

 #6 – 没有 – Méi yǒu – Don’t have/have not

This phrase is one of the most common ways to say ‘no’ in Mandarin Chinese, and it literally translates to ‘don’t have/have not’ in English. So if somebody asks you if you have something and the answer is no, reply with méi yǒu. 

It can also be a way to say you haven’t done something in the past tense, the same way you can create the structure in English. For example, you could answer the question ‘Have you been to China before?’ with ‘méi yǒu’ meaning ‘I haven’t.’ 

#7 – 不可能 – Bù kě néng – Not possible

This is a version of ‘no’ that’s a little stronger than the previous phrases, and it basically means ‘not possible’ but could also translate as ‘no way’ in English. It’s basically the Chinese equivalent.

You can use this phrase in two ways; in each one, the context changes slightly. The first is to refute something on the basis that it couldn’t possibly be true. 

So let’s say you were only born in 1995, and somebody asks you if you met somebody who died in 1994. You could use ‘bù kěnéng’ to respond, letting them know it’s simply not possible. 

If you use this phrase to respond to a request, it’s much more abrupt and negative and implies a level of offense that the question was asked in the first place. 

#8 – 不可以 – Bù kě yǐ – Can’t

‘Bù kěyǐ’ is best used to respond to a question about whether something is or isn’t permitted or possible, and it literally translates to ‘cannot’ or ‘may not.’ 

You might ask a waiter whether it’s possible to pay by card, for example. If the response is ‘Bù kě yǐ,’ the answer is no. 

#9 – 不好 – bù hǎo – Not good

Many negative answer examples you can have in Mandarin Chinese aren’t all direct “no” responses. When asked about your well-being or the quality of something, you might respond with “bù hǎo,” with the literal meaning of “not good.” 

For instance, if the food tastes off and you’ve eaten stinky tofu, you can say “bù hǎo” to suggest that it’s not to your liking.

You can also reply with “bù hǎo” in a greeting situation when someone asks, “how are you?” and you are having a bad day or feeling unwell.

#10 – 不同意 – Bù tóng yì – Don’t agree

In a discussion or debate, to express disagreement with an opinion or proposal, use “bù tóng yì,” which translates to “I don’t agree.”

How Do You Say Not This Time in Chinese? 

So, let’s say you’re offered something, and your answer is no – for now. How exactly do you express that in Mandarin Chinese? This is especially useful if you’ve been invited to an event you can’t attend or invited to somebody’s house for dinner, but you’re busy. 

The phrase should express politely that you’d like to attend, but you’re simply unable to this time. A simple ‘no’ can be too rude. Instead, try the following phrase:

下次吧 – Xiàcì ba – Next time?

This translates to something like ‘How about next time?’ in the English word and is a polite way to decline an invitation while expressing your desire for a rain check. 

Why Learn Mandarin Chinese?

Still unsure whether or not to start your Mandarin-learning journey? We think it’s a great idea! But just in case you think we’re biased, here are some of the biggest advantages of speaking one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. 

Travel Like a Local

While it is possible to travel around China without speaking Mandarin, it’s considerably easier if you do. Not only will you be able to translate menus and actually know what you’re ordering, but you’ll be able to interact with all the locals you come across, no matter their level of English. 

Likewise, learning the local language is just good manners. Just as you’d expect a visitor to the US to speak basic English, learning some Mandarin before you go to China shows you’re willing to immerse yourself in the culture and not simply banking on the fact that enough Chinese people there speak English. 

Improve Business Prospects

Knowing a second language can add up to 35% to your salary. Since Chinese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and the Chinese economy is steadily growing, speaking the language is a great skill to have on your CV. 

Likewise, if you run your own business, being able to communicate with potential clients in Shanghai and Beijing can help you push your company internationally. 

Look After Your Brain

Learning a second language can help to prevent, or at least delay, cognitive decline. Alongside other skills like learning an instrument, studying a language is one of the best possible hobbies for boosting brain power, especially for older people. 

Since Chinese is one of the more complex languages for English native speakers to learn, getting to grips with this language’s challenges is a surefire way to keep your brain young. 

Start Your Mandarin Journey Today and See Your Language Skills Soar

While learning the basics in Mandarin is a great way to get started, you’ll need to grasp some more complex phrases and sentences to really see progress in Chinese. Luckily, we’ve got just the answer to more than just the question of ‘How do you say no in Chinese?’. 

Here at NewConcept Education, we help language students speak proficient Chinese in just three months! 

Thanks to revolutionary techniques that ensure even complete beginners get a good grasp of the language, we help our students fulfill their dreams of speaking fluent Chinese, whether it’s for work or play (or both!).

You’ll be speaking like the native Chinese speakers in no time!

With a course that’s 14 years in the making, created by the best minds in language teaching Chinese, you’ll master the language in no time, whether you opt for online classes or in-person classes in Seattle. 

Don’t just take our word for it – we have some of the highest rates of returning students. They come back for one thing – proven results. 

Curious to find out more? 

You can try a trial class, completely free of charge, to see just how effective our methods can be. We’ll see you there!

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